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1st one stop breast clinic in Sialkot Since 2022 in Munawar Surgical Hospital.
Mon to Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tel: 052-4601583, 052-4601584
Mon to Saturday 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
For appointment : 0523563002 / 03363564002
Mon to Saturday 11 to 4 pm
Tel: +92-52-4262666
Specialist in Liver Diseases (Hepatitis B & C) DM, HTN
Mon to Saturday 11 to 9 pm
Contact: 052-4566181-82, 0315-8188242
MON - SAT 05:00PM - 09:00PM
Tel: +92-52-4580050, +92-52-4600060
Call Hopsital for Timing
For Appointment: 052-3563002 / 0336-3563002
Contact: 0527020038 , 03375103444